Friday, March 29, 2013

To be told it is time

when I step outside of here
my head no longer glued to this
and strapped to the edges of things
or even fanned so that cool words
having more to say than water
clinging in desperate droplets
to the idea of winter
imprint themselves here

I will be alive and well
and you’ll remember me
for the years it took to explain
the way in which you took your toll
on the everyday

selling short for your own kindness
things that could have
seared further into your belly
or your heart or mine
watching the flames’ tongues dance
in new formations speaking
clearly it is not for you to say
I will think later
that I am right in this

and from there your words
will open like wings
or like the lips of a wound
a flower which holds
so much fragrance
that it makes tongues speak
catching their words
in a kiss forming waiting
to be told it is time

to be told it is true
you don’t have to come
you only did and no matter

it is simply a need
solitude craved for nights on end
in which you burned for this

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